Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This morning I was driving to work and thinking about how tired I was, how out of shape I was, how I wished I had more time to clean up the townhouse before I left, and how I had forgotten my lunch.

Now I'm struck with the general inconsequence of all that. Yesterday, three Samaritan's Purse workers were abducted in Nyala, Sudan- a place I know and love- while they were going about THEIR daily business. (click here to read the story)

I'm still not sure what that means- how the perspective that comes from KNOWING that the things that I struggle with, while important and valid, are not as serious as I make them out to be. And that there are people who are right now in situations much more dire than I. I don't know how this should change me- change the way I live and think.

But it's probably worth the consideration.

What is my role as a seminary wife, confident of God's call for me to be here, fully present, in America for this season, yet not so far removed from time overseas to have forgotten the realities of the world beyond my view? I'm honestly just not sure how that looks. Wisdom is welcomed.

In the meantime, while my current identity crisis is being resolved, I will fall upon the only thing I know for certain. That prayer is the greater work, no matter where we are and what we're doing. And that I have a God who hears...and knows...and listens.

Pray with me today for our friends in Sudan. They (both those in captivity and those trying to get them out) have long days ahead of them. The adrenaline will soon fade and the long hours and lack of sleep will set in. They need strength, clarity and wisdom as the second night is now upon them. And peace. And grace. And sleep.


Katie said...

Praying with you and for them! It's a good reminder that there is so much going on outside our perception of what is. Thank you for the reminder! I think of you and Graham often! Hope you are doing well! - Katie Day

bonnie Brown said...

sue- moved me to tears. you are such a talented and insightful writer. you seriously should give yourself to this more, when you are able. i love you so much and admire your tender heart and sincerity. thanks for the encouragement that "prayer is the greater work". i check your blog often, hoping for a new little peek into your heart and life. love, bonnie