Friday, March 30, 2007

oooooohhhhhh the first post

First of all,

the pressure here is to begin and begin well [in reference to posting, of course], while seeking the approval of only One yet writing for the benefit of many.

thereby, i want to write with elegance timely reflections on my story; and at the same time, by Grace, allow the Story to be written in me.

now with the Firstfruits of the New already come, the First has guaranteed the Fullness [though the earth still groans]. so then, i too am compelled to tell of the New in me to the earth that groans for Good to be revealed [in us].

the pressure here is, now, to finish and finish well, because the One who calls us [and this] good was [and is] the Beginning [on our behalf]. all that remains, then, is to be faithful unto Fullness [in reference to posting, of course].

your thoughts are encouraged. your participation is Desired.