Monday, March 29, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Some credit where it's VERY due...
She also happens to be my sister-in-law. But that's sort of besides the point. Sort of.
Carm, you're fabulous. Thanks for documenting almost every special moment in the last year for us. We couldn't be more grateful.
The new man in my life. (don't worry, he's my nephew)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
It’s Spring. I returned to the States at the beginning of last year, but somehow this year feels like the first spring I’ve had in oh so long. Perhaps I was too deeply embroiled in culture shock and recovery from two years living in Africa, or long distance dating Graham from Virginia to Alabama, or just too self-focused and neurotic to notice the changes all around me.
For whatever reason, I missed it. Judge me, it’s alright.
This year, it’s different.
I was driving back last weekend from my parent’s home in Virginia to North Carolina along highways and country roads and everywhere I looked somehow, overnight it seemed, it was Spring. A little something inside me melted as I took it all in, and a grin settled on my face as I drove in the gathering dusk across the stateline. Flowering cherries, Bradford Pear trees, redbuds, tulip trees. Green, green grass and daffodils popping up all over the place.
At the risk of sounding insipid and ridiculous, I was enchanted. Any moment I excepted little fairies to spring out of the woods carrying small lanterns and offering me a pretty dress to wear (they do that, you know). Leave me alone, I want to have my moment.
It was as if all was right in the world and all that was once (and perhaps still) uncertain would most certainly be okay.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that this year of all years, I’m enjoying seeing little saplings sprout and trees that were dead and dry bloom, and feeling the sun again. I even resent the freckles will inevitably begin their annual takeover of my face a bit less this year.
Maybe it’s because I’m married and all lovey dovey. And that’s probably a part of it. Or maybe it’s just so hopeful seeing little daffodils poking out after such a long winter. And that my heart is slowly coming out of an even longer, harder winter. Last year was such a strange time for me. Coming back and feeling all those things after my term in Africa (I call it affectionately “the crazy”), working through it with Graham, my family, and a well trained counselorJ, getting engaged and married, beginning a new life in a new place with a new job. The crazy seemed ever present.
But joy comes in the morning. Somehow, I am and continue to heal. To hope.
It’s really nice.
So, it was a long winter. That happens.
But it’s Spring now. For all of us. I pray today brings you hope.
Go do something Springy:
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
You, Me...Life.
I just sort of stared at him, kept swinging on my seriously child-sized swing, and thought about it.
On one hand, this was weird. I mean WEIRD. He was a wonderful guy –that was clear, but we didn’t really know each other. And in exactly 10 days we would leave said training center and go to different continents for the duration of our two year terms. Two years. 10 days. And did I mention the different continent thing? Yeah. Who does that?
On the other hand, I had felt very clearly in the months leading up to this day that I wasn’t going to just date to date anymore. I was sick of guys who didn’t know what they wanted. I was confident that the Lord had someone for me who would know what he wanted. He would be able to discern his feelings and tell me. Then and only then would I take him seriously. (SIDE NOTE everyone thought I was crazy for thinking this… I mean what guy would do that? Plunge forward into relationship wilds with no hope of a returning of feelings?)
So I told him that we could get to know each other.
And now we’re married. The end.
There’s actually a lot in between, but I’ll save that for another day.
For now, I’m so thankful. That he was a man who knew what he wanted and knew what his heavenly Father was telling him and was willing to move forward in confidence. And then for being utterly lovely ever since. I love him a lot. As in a WHOLE lot.
He might as well have come with a note attached to his sleeve that read "Dear Sue, You're welcome. Love, God"
Happy three years Graham.