Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Quality Time

The other day my husband Graham and I had a rare afternoon at home. We had met with students in the morning and had more appointments later that evening- but somehow we had managed to steal a few hours to rest.

I was sitting on the bed doing my daily Bible reading and journaling a bit when I heard him walk through the back door. His characteristic loud footsteps sounded down the back hallway and into our room.

He chatted happily and he moved around the room, putting things away and getting ready for the afternoon. Being the needy wife I am, it wasn't enough.

I sheepishly asked him if he would sit with me for a while and catch up.

I didn't want to just be in the same room as he was. I didn't want to just be doing the same thing as he was. I wanted him to climb on the bed and talk to me, to hold my hand and "be" for a little while. I wanted his full attention.

Being the amazing husband he is, he happily complied, abandoning whatever productive plans he had for that moment )and without even ONE comment about how needy I was) he hopped onto the bed and we caught up on the day. As I sat there with him, talking about the morning and holding his hand, sitting close, and enjoying his nearness so much I sort of wanted to cry, it hit me.

Isn't that what God wants from us?

Not just to work on his behalf, or be present in his house.

But to be with him.

To commune, undistracted.

To sit together closely, talk through the day, enjoy each other. To delight in Christ and be delighted in by him.

In 1759 Joseph Hart penned these words, and they are resonating in my heart today:

Come, ye sinners, poor and needy,

Weak and wounded, sick and sore;
Jesus ready stands to save you,
Full of pity, love and power.

I will arise and go to Jesus,
He will embrace me in His arms;
In the arms of my dear Savior,
O there are ten thousand charms

O there are ten thousand charms! May you enjoy the nearness of a Savior who desires nothing less than your whole heart, and whole attention today. And pray the same for me.